Erin Fisher

Erin Fisher

Apartment Search

With no cold water in the bathroom, a shower that I can’t stand up in, no stove or oven, and the rent going up we thought it might be time to move. Turns out xkcd got it right about apartment…

UVic’s the Ring does an Article

Thanks John for putting this together, and to Matthew for his help and encouragement this year! UVic’s The Ring says…. “Erin Fisher is $2,000 richer, thanks to her first-place win for a story originally written as a first-year assignment for…

The Tiger’s Wife – Tea Obreht

Tea Obreht, another “20 Under 40” has published her first novel: The Tiger’s Wife. I read Tea’s short story “Blue Water Djinn” in the New Yorker’s collection, was immediately impressed by the control of the language and structure, and went…

Musical Eggs

Apparently, listening to music makes eggs healthier. Yes, chicken eggs. “From the day they hatch, the chicks at Chung Hing listen to what 35-year-old farmer Fong Chi-hung calls “age-appropriate” soundtracks: 15 days or younger listen to softer love songs; those…