Shortlisted for Malahat Review’s Far Horizons Award: Erin Frances Fisher

Glad to get this news this morning!

We are pleased to announce the twelve finalists for this year’s Far Horizons award:

Erin Fisher, “Suite in Dark Matter”
Tanya M. Gadsby, “Skinned Seal”
Elaine Hayes, “Rearranging Rainbows”‘
Michael Kissinger, “The Daytime Community”
Joanna Lilley, “Way Better Than a Prepaid Funeral”
Dan Mancilla, “Shangri La Dee Da”
David A. Poulsen, “Costumes”
L. E. Riley, “Next Year, For Sure”
Jeremy Siemens, “Hanging with Halle”
Kilby Smith-McGregor, “Scorched Earth”
Heather Tucker, “Butterfly as Metaphor”
Albert Wachtel, “Delsie”

The winner will be announced soon!!

Thank you all for entering.


Susan Sanford Blades
Circulation and Marketing Manager
The Malahat Review